Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Socail Networking

What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used?
Social networking technologies now have a great impact on human being’s action and decisions.  There are many ways that people and corporations can use these networking technologies to achieve their goal.

Corporations begin to seek potential candidates on twitter, blogs, and face book and so on because of the users’ popularity (HOLSON, 2009).  Sometimes, these corporations will post available position on their twitter to look for candidates who are really interesting in their companies. Like Holson said in her article, “Comcast, General Motors and JetBlue Airways, has become the hottest new corporate job among the Twitterati”. 

Further, corporations want to increase the customer relationship by using these social networking sites, like twitter. For example, AT&T use twitter to announce their technical problem on twitter so that customers are able to check why the service in not available quickly (Reardon, 2009). The using of twitter is really helping corporations to show their responsibility on their customers. 

In addition, people will use these social networking sites to express their feel on some products for giving feed backs to the corporations. For example, Wal-Mart encourage their workers to express freely and sometimes critically on the products that Wal-Mart is selling via blogs, so that Wal-Mart will get the most recent and appropriate feed backs right away and prepare for not damaging corporation image (BARBARO, 2008).

The last one I am going to talk about the use of social networking technology is people now would prefer to search stores information or dinning places via these sites. The reason is these sites will represent the real customers’ feeling that people will trust in.

Overall, there are many different kinds of ways that people and corporation to use these technologies and these technologies works effectively most of the time.

What are the benefits of these technologies to society? Be specific. Is there a "dark side"? Make sure to include your opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future
The benefits of these technologies to society are the expanding of human beings’ networks. Before the time of these social networking sites, the area of people to meet new people is very limited.  People will only know people within their neighborhood, work spaces and schooling time. And once people left these social areas, they will lose contacts with each other by the passing of time.  However, things change when these new social technologies come out, people get contact with each other more easily and convenience. People even are able to find jobs and expressing feelings via these social networking sites.

Although these technologies give human being’s a big help, they still negatively affect people somehow. First, they may make people to lose the real things to do to keep personal relationship. People may not able to handle with people in real life since sometimes the manner in internet may different from the real life. I think that people should not put too much attention online and bring self more often to experience the relationship in the real world. Second, these technologies may make people to lose more privacy. The internet has become public more than private. People can track who you are and where you live by tracking the IP address.  Employers will spy on employees’ social networking sites in order to find a reason to fire them and so on.  Sometimes, people will think these actions are unethical, however, I think people who post their private information online should have the idea that other people would get this information easily, because internet is no longer private is a fact. They should rethink before they put their information online. 

Therefore, every technology has its positive side and negative side. It depends on how people are using it and thinking on it. If people think the technologies are safe, then they will do whatever they want, or just to be careful when using these technologies.

Works Cited
         BARBARO, M. (2008, 03 03). Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog . Retrieved 10 11, 2010, from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/business/03walmart.html
         HOLSON, L. M. (2009, 05 20). Tweeting Your Way to a Job . Retrieved 10 11, 2010, from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/21/fashion/21whiz.html
         Reardon, M. (2009, 04 09). AT&T uses Twitter during service outage. Retrieved 10 11, 2010, from CN Net: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10216712-94.html

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