Thursday, October 14, 2010

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

What are different ways these virtual worlds can be used?
When people mention virtual worlds, they probably will be reminded that these are the worlds which will let them to experience the life that they have never been through before or not capable to do. The first common way to use these virtual worlds is to play games, like EA Games’ Sims serious or some online games, to experience a second life.Similar to the using of virtual worlds to experience a second life, a toy company Webkinz creates toy worlds for children to play instead of real toy object (Hindo, 2007). This reveals that the virtual worlds can be used like a real object anytime people want via internet.The other common way that people used the virtual worlds to communicate with each other, like discussing project or do something special together without going out.

There is a special way for using the virtual worlds, which is building the environment or people that, had been disappeared long time ago or because of some reason. For example, the Hotel Chelsea is present as the old times in a virtual world which is created by Mr. Brown (KNAFO, 2009).

The most interesting one is when the virtual community Second Life says that it is “seeking to tap into that market by creating a new tool that allows businesses to have virtual meetings on their own computer networks” (Tutton, 2009). This new idea will enable employee to have a real meeting with each other by using their avatars within the company’s network.

What are the pros and cons?

Pros: The using the virtual life in business not only reduces the time and cost which people would spend on traveling, but also increases the efficiency and capability of the operation process. Like IBM's chief technology officer for Europe Rashik Parmar said: "Not only did we save travel time, but because the environment was so engaging, a lot more ideas came through” (Tutton, 2009). In other hand, the virtual life enables people to experience the things that they had not experience before. The people who have some disability may not able to swim freely in water, but they can do it in the virtual worlds. Students also are able to experience the old age life that thousands years ago, so that they might have stronger feeling when study the history.

Cons: The worst thing in using of virtual worlds is the high degree of deception that happened. Virtual worlds are the worlds that all people are anonymous. It’s hard to distinguish the bad or good of one person by just talking to him/her in virtual worlds. There is a big probability that people often act differently from their real life. The reason is because most of time people seek a way to express the deep desire, which cannot behave in real life, though the virtual worlds. So, people will pretend themselves as another person and do things that may hurt other people. Also, some people may intentionally to deceive other people for money or other illegal activities in the virtual worlds. Therefore, sometimes, the virtual worlds like a trap for users to enter into dangers.   

How do virtual worlds foster creativity?
Virtual worlds create an environment which is fulfilled with creativity, because people have to design their own avatars before entering the world. I will choose face book’s restaurant application as an example. At first, users have a choice to change their avatars’ hair style, skin colors, dressing, and other appearance of avatars.  In this way, the creative passages have been opened to all users. After users create their avatar (owner of the restaurant), they will need to do some decoration for their restaurant. This process is like the process of decorating your own home—chose the wall color, flood quality, chair style and so on. In order to make your restaurant to be more attractive in comparing with other users, people have to increase sales by learning more and more receipt and buy other different decoration items to re-design their restaurants. Therefore, users will do improvement all the time by the time passing to coordinate with the change of seasons, holidays, and factions. Most of the virtual worlds would enable this specialty to attract more users since people like to show own ideas to others.   

What do you think the future of virtual worlds will look like?
The virtual worlds will be more and more common. We may be able to work at home in the future by just entering into the network of companies to do things and attend meetings.  We may also do online course more efficiently by just entering the network of our courses by using avatars. Further, maybe we are able to use some device to enter into the virtual worlds with most reality like the movie, Avatars, to experience different life. Overall, old saying, nothing is impossible.

Works Cited
         Hindo, B. (2007, 12 20). Toys with a Second Life. Retrieved 10 15, 2010, from Bloomberg:
         KNAFO, S. (2009, 05 01). In Room 100, It’s Sid and Nancy All Over Again . Retrieved 10 15, 2010, from The New York Times:
         Tutton, M. (2009, 09 09). Going to the virtual office in Second Life. Retrieved 10 14, 2010, from CNN:

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