Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Experience in using Twitter

This is my first time of using Twitter. And I found that it’s really interesting and kind of a new way to communicate with people.

By contrasting to the BB Discussion Board, I found out that Twitter is more convenience than BB Discussion Board. Because once I found out who tweeted me immediately by login into my account (There is a notice to tell you who tweeted you). However, in BB Discussion Board, I have to check it one by one to see if any replies. In other hand, Twitter can be used in Mobile phone which I can tweet at any time and place while BB Discussion Board cannot.

Despite the disadvantage of using BB Discussion Board, it is more useful in comparing with Twitter while I need to post a long question for getting help on solution. Since I have to limit my words within 140 characters (include space and punctuations), it’s hard for me to post these kind of questions or discussion to get help. In this occasion, I would prefer to use BB Discussion Board instead Twitter.

Further, Twitter is so similar to an in-class discussion. Because I will get short response from my classmates after I tweet my feeling on the article I had read. This happened also when I do in-class discussion. Still, there is a difference between these two ways on discussing an object. That is I will not know when people will reply me. Twitter is an online communication tool and people don’t need to be face-to-face, so that we can reply people anytime we want even we had read other people’s tweets. In-class discussion will be different; people will expect me to reply him/her quickly and timely. In addition, I may forget what he and she talked about before, and I will be reminded in Twitter by the historical records in Twitter.

Overall, each of discussion way has different usage and some common similarities. I think we should not limit on using a particular tool that will limit our efficiency during discussion.


  1. I think you are right. They both have similarities and they are both different. The only thing is that I find twitter to be a bit annoying. It almost like I have to chose my words, making it very difficult task. You start a sentence or two and Opps - you are over the limit of 140 characters.

  2. i think both can be use for educational purpose, but i would more preferred BB discusses, because regarding to the characters we can right. As you said, it is more clear to ask questions on BB discusses if you want more detail answers. On Twitter, you can not write more than 140 characters. Therefore, it is more like chat.
