Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About My Term Research Paper

I did a lot of research on my term paper. Three of them are scholar contents that I found them from database of our college’s library and Google Scholar. These contents have very important points that relates to my topic. I used some of their point to demonstrate my ideas. Also, I used some definition from a book to strength the relationship between new media for social networking and the Internet. Then, I used a lot of examples to show that how public the people are over these social networking tools.  I found these examples from some news and journal websites which is very helpful to me.

From the research, I found out that even though we think we are secure by using those private setting, somehow those people who we don’t want to share information with will discover our private content. The most important thing to keep private is not to upload some sensitive information.

I choose this topic is because I heard the news of a student who jump into river because his roommate use social networking tools to reveal his private life. I was shocked by this news and I understand the important for people to concern about the privacy problem over these new media.

New media is the most popular technology that people use often to do social networking. It is a require equipment for people to keep up with the current social trend. My paper will alarm people to notice the need of establishing regulation on using of new media, and the moral people need.

Overall, I had learned a lot from writing this term paper. The most interesting thing I found is when I made an outline for my paper, but my paper is absolutely not following the outline. I found that the outline can motivate me to easily start my paper, but there is many places in outline are incapable on how to present my topic. it’s really a very interesting and educational project for me.

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