Sunday, April 29, 2012

delete a table & import table from excel

Exported from Notepad++
Option Compare Database Sub TestVariables() Dim db As Database, tbl As DAO.TableDef Set db = CurrentDb() DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "MyTestingTable" DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "MyTestingTable", "C:\Users\Twins\Desktop\Access\MyTestingTable", True 'Importing the Excel Data Dim DayF As Date Dim DayL As Date DayF = DFirst("DateTran", "MyTestingTable") DayL = DLast("DateTran", "MyTestingTable") x = DayF Do Until x = DayL + 1 If Month(x) <> 2 Then MsgBox x x = x + 1 ElseIf Month(x) = 2 Then MsgBox "hi" End If MsgBox x x = x + 1 Loop End Sub

Saturday, December 10, 2011

这个网站教程 好似比较好呢。。。比较简单 (关于nook显示中文 part2)

How to use your NOOK to read Chinese!!!

Step 1)

Download the converting software "EasyPub"   

Download the style.css file.

Step 2) Open your txt file and save as "UTF-8" encoding

Step 3) Prepare a "epub" format file....see the following pictures:
              Open Easypub......and browse your txt file
              Then, then you will get a "epub" format file, then follow steps from pictures below

Step 3) After you put the "epub" file into your nook, and open will find out that...the text still are question marks.....
-now just touch anywhere on the screen, there will be a menu pop up on the bottom of your screen...
-choose the "Aa text" (the fourth one from left)
-you will see "Publisher Defaults" and a check box beside it. touch the box and let it appears as a check mark..
-now close the menu
-and your nook can show Chinese~~~haha~~~~~
(if you don't understand above, you could go to this liknk <>, and go to Flood # 9......)

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Next New Thing

Currently, the hottest new technology is the 3D technology. Every movie and TV show try to make themselves as 3D as possible and at the same time with high definition. So, I start to image that there is one day when people can communicate with each other in 3D.

For example, people will use a watch as their cellphone. With one button away, we will call the person we want to call. If the person answers our phone, his / her 3D real time image will appear on the top of our watches (cellphone). Of course, our real time 3D image will also appear in others’ watches. Therefore, people will see our gesture and our emotion while we are talking on phone. In addition, blind people also will benefit from this phone feature, since they can use hand language for making a phone call.

Another 3D new media will be the Internet Network. I love doing online class, but sometimes people have to meet to get detail knowledge and information from professors. In this way, only few courses are able to present as an online mode. However, if we have the 3D class room, the problem will be solved and students and professors can meet together even at home. In this 3D class room network, student will open a 3D camera, and this 3D camera will capture the image of the student and show it to the professor in a room. Also, each student will see each other and are able to talk with each other because they are within the same network.  This new media will save a lot of time for students who have to travel from a far place to school.

Overall, new media is an amazing technology that increases people’s capability and efficiency. I believe all I think above will be achieved someday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I had did some research for the wiki contribution. I found out that it’s very interesting when people talking about privacy in the Internet. Some of people think that they don’t have any privacy in the Internet since the Internet is a many-to-many network. Everyone who has access to the Internet has the opportunity to reach any of person who also has access to the Internet. Therefore, these people believe that there is no privacy in the Internet at all, so why do they care about privacy in the Internet. They also believe that as long as they didn’t do anything bad, they will be fine. However, the truth is, even though these people didn't do anything that will harm others, there is still has some chance that they may get into trouble because of use of the Internet (Johnson, Deborah G.; Computer Ethics). For example, people who like to shop online may easily expose their private personal information and these information was used by some people to commit crimes. At this time, the information’s owner may be taken to the policy and waste their time for explaining innocent. Hence, they still get hurt or be harm even though they did not do anything bad.

These are the information that I had collected for the wiki contribution. Basically, I am going to focus on the opinion from people’s view to the privacy in the Internet. Later, I will find more information relate to this topic and submit the work on the wiki together.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About My Term Research Paper

I did a lot of research on my term paper. Three of them are scholar contents that I found them from database of our college’s library and Google Scholar. These contents have very important points that relates to my topic. I used some of their point to demonstrate my ideas. Also, I used some definition from a book to strength the relationship between new media for social networking and the Internet. Then, I used a lot of examples to show that how public the people are over these social networking tools.  I found these examples from some news and journal websites which is very helpful to me.

From the research, I found out that even though we think we are secure by using those private setting, somehow those people who we don’t want to share information with will discover our private content. The most important thing to keep private is not to upload some sensitive information.

I choose this topic is because I heard the news of a student who jump into river because his roommate use social networking tools to reveal his private life. I was shocked by this news and I understand the important for people to concern about the privacy problem over these new media.

New media is the most popular technology that people use often to do social networking. It is a require equipment for people to keep up with the current social trend. My paper will alarm people to notice the need of establishing regulation on using of new media, and the moral people need.

Overall, I had learned a lot from writing this term paper. The most interesting thing I found is when I made an outline for my paper, but my paper is absolutely not following the outline. I found that the outline can motivate me to easily start my paper, but there is many places in outline are incapable on how to present my topic. it’s really a very interesting and educational project for me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality have become a primary issue that people are dealing with at the time when new media has a great impact on people’s usual life. People like to use social networking sites to commute with each other. However, by using these sites, the privacy of users’ own information is very doubtful. For example, People use face book to spread their news by putting up words and pictures. Sometimes, users may want to upload some information that only share with friends, so they use the private option that face book has provided to users. In other hand, face book still reserve a right to check on the information that users had uploaded as private information. Let’s assume if a people who work for face book has noticed this private information that somehow related to him, he may spread this information in some different ways other than using social networking sites. This assumption raises a question on the “privacy” option that face book claims. In addition, face book also required to share inferior information with FBI or other police departments to check on criminal activities. Some legal but private information may have a greater chance that being seen by more people other than the people that users originally would like to share with. This just one example of how “public” that these social networking sites indeed are.

Further more, there are many shocking news about how new media has lead to an innocent people to death. For instant, the recent shocking news, that a teenage boy had jumped from a bridge into Hudson River and died, had alarmed people that the dangerous of using new media in an improper. The roommate of the boy’s friend used Skype to record the sexual encounter of the boy with another guy, and then the roommate also twitted to about 150 followers about it and asked people with iChat to watch this video. These are all the popular new media that people use often to commute with each other. However, some people use them to reveal another people’s privacy and their actions always have a great impact on the victims since new media is a wide range spreading tools. The tragedy of boy is not the only alarm to tell people that privacy is a serious problem in new media. There are many other things had happened before that relate to the use of new media. I think that we should establish some critical laws on prohibiting the use of new media as soon as possible that prevent the happening of more tragedies.