Monday, September 27, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis
The biggest difference between blogs and wikis is the ownership of contents. Writers own the contents that they wrote in their blogs. The contents have kind of copy right style encrypted when writers post it up, because writer’s name always follows the contents. However, in wikis, writers don’t own the contents they write, since everyone who has access to internet has the right to edit the contents. It’s more likely that the contents are belonged to Wikipedia, and writers are just volunteers that contribute their ideas and knowledge to this website.

The second difference is the way people do when they agree or not agree with the contents on blogs and wikis. When people disagree with the writers in blogs, viewers will comments beneath the contents. In other way, people will edit the contents in Wikipedia directly.

The third difference is wikis have informational contents, while blogs have journalism likely contents. According Gerry, blogs is tool for people to write every thing that happened on the writers or thoughts about what happened globally. Further, people use wikis when they need to obtain some information rather than ideas to do something.

One similarity I found between blogs and wikis is people must do them online. These two ways to share information and ideas with people are found when more and more people get the accesses to Internet. This online style makes people that are able to respond to what people writes quickly and freely. Also, this style also helps people to share information with a greater range of people rather than a small area around the writers.

Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world
The emerging of new media has become a main stream in today’s networked world. This main stream creates a converging point for many different kinds of businesses and becomes the center of a large web of networking. It’s really important to have this convergence in the world because it connects people here by writing journals and comments and reduce the obstacles for people to get contact with each others. In addition, people are depends on these new media now to do every thing. It’s hard for people to give up I think.

How can blogs be used for collaboration?
All the blogging websites are having a similar feature that is people can comment on writers’ articles. Commenting becomes a tool for people to collaborate with each other. When an article is posted online, all the people who have access to Internet will have a chance to read and comment on the contents. In other way, the writer of this article can reply or comment on readers’ comments. Further, readers can comment on other readers’ comment also. In this way, people have a communication with others. Sometimes, the communication is one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many. This is how blogs is work for collaboration.

Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
I think wiki can be used for people to do group projects. Usually, college students will get group projects that need a lot of information from many different sites. However, they may not have the time to gather together and discus about it. At this time, after assigning of different jobs, they can start to post information they get to wiki, and people can revised it anytime when they feel the information is wrong. In this way, project can be done without wasting time to gather people together.

Mellissa Gerry, Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media, March 31, 2006, Retrieved on September 27, 2010,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Social Networking: A purposeful loss of privacy

In my research paper, I am going to talk about how people are losing their privacy with the development of new media.

On the economical perspective, the area of online information has been becoming a new way for people to make money. For example, when people buy books from the bookstore website, the website will store people's buying preference and may sell some information to the booksellers so that the booksellers are able to reach people who had bought books via this website. However, this kind of behavior seems to be unethical without customers' consents. Customers may feel so annoy when they receive different kinds of messages from some unknown sellers. Furthermore, the action of selling customers information had been invaded customers' privacy deeply. This kind of situation may make people lose the credibility to online shopping and decline the value of online stores.

On the technological perspective, new media is being developed in a rapid way. People like to upload their information online, and sometimes people have to upload their real information if they want to use certain online function. However, the security of these information are not secure at all. The reason is hackers always have the way to hack in people’s computer or the database of a certain website. This may create people’s doubt to whether or not to upload their information via Internet, because of the fearing that expose their private information.

On the moral perspectives, the using of social networking tool like Facebook has obviously been giving people a chance to show themselves in public. There are many examples are showing the loss of privacy by using Facebook. The most famous one is the lady who was an employee of Delta Air line, but was fired later when she post one picture which she wears the Delta Air line uniform on her own blog. She claims that she is innocent because she is using her own time to do blogging and the company has no rules to limit her behaviors during her private time. The important thing in this example is not about if the lady is innocent. The main point is: does the company (employer) have the right to check employees’ social networking sites or tools, and judge them because of their blogging or photos? Is this ethical? What about employees’ privacy on Internet?

Actually, one characteristic of  new media is publicity.New media is more like a huge social networking tool. When people step in the area of new media, they should have the mind that they may lose their privacy. This is the same as when people walk out of their house, they will lose their privacy because many people will watch on them purposeful.The above are the general ideas that I am going to do research on my term paper.

Describe New Media

In a simple definition, new media is the new tools to broadcasting or communicating around the world.

The following are examples of new media:
Online Videos (examples: YouTube, Mega Videos, Hulu, etc.)
Social Networking Websites (examples: Face book, Twitter, Linked In)
Instant Communication Tools (examples: Aims, Messenger, etc.)
Blogging Website: (examples: Blogger and Word press)
Pictures (examples: Flicker, Photo Bucket, etc)

How do we distinguish “new” from “old”?
There are two ways to distinguish “new” form “old”

The first one is: being replaced and doing replace
Nowadays, new media is continuously replacing the old one. For instance, online video gradually kicks Television set and cable out of the market. Most of time, people will prefer to watch videos (includes dramas, films and shows) online by using computer rather than to watch a TV show at a specific time in front of the TV. This example shows how new media is replacing old media. (HOLSON, 2008)

From the example above, it also tells us how to distinguish “new” media from “old” one. That is when people start to use another media to perform the same function as the media that people used to use, the media people used to use becomes the old media, and the media ,that replaced the “used to” media, becomes mew media.

The second one is: the environment of using media
In order to use old media, people have to make sure themselves have a certain time available and are able to arrive at the specific location by using a special device.

In other hand, new media are usable at anytime, anywhere and by using some convenience and portable devices.

For example, when people want to watch “Sex and the City”, they have to be available in front of TV at a specific time and place. This is the traditional (or old) way that people used to watch this drama. However, with new media (i.e. Internet), people can use iPhone to watch the drama on YouTube at anytime or anywhere by saving the videos in iPhone or using public wireless Internet.

Holson, Laura M. December 3rd 2008. Retrieved on September 14, 2010